Teaching Aids:

  • The material and aids which are used by teacher to make his teaching very effective is called teaching aids and instructional material.

  • The language teaching is not a static process but it is a dynamic process.

  • Teacher should select teaching material and instructional according the objectives decided by teacher so that skill of reading, understanding, writing and speaking and sub skills of skills are developed in students.

  • English is second or foreign language. So the teaching material and instructional material play important role in teaching learning process. Thus, use and selection of teaching aids must be very carefully.

Types of Teaching and Instructional Material:

  • Visual Aids

  1. Boards: Blackboard, Flannel boards, Soft boards.

  2. Charts, Maps, Pictures, Drawings.

  3. Static and Working Model

  4. Film strip, Slider Projector, OHP

  • Transparencies and Episcope.

  • Audio Aids

  1. Audio Cassette Player

  2. Radio

  • Audio Visual Aids

  1. Video Cassette Player

  2. Video Compact Disc Player

  3. Television

  4. Film Projector

Language Laboratory: Language laboratory in the place where the learners have to listen on headphone. The language labs are set up with a view to provide listening activities in order to make them developing good speech habit. The learning material are recorded on audiotapes which are played back by teacher is to be drilled and the same is monitored by the mentor. Leaner himself records his practice and listens to it.

Computer assisted language learning:

  • Computer assisted language learning means is to present teaching material trough computer.

  • In this presentation, texts, graphics, audio and video are available.

  • The computer is multimedia system.

  • It is VCD, DVD, VCR, Slide Projector and Film Projector.

Characteristics of various types of instructional material:

  1. Supplement Oral Teaching: 

  • We know that most of class room teaching is verbal which cannot make teaching learning effective:

  • At such a stage audio visual aids help to clarify the view of teacher.

  1. Audio Visual Aids motivator: 

  • Audio visual aids work as motivators in teaching learning process. Without use of these aids the teaching becomes alive less.

  • students take more interest int that teaching. They mentally prepare for further teaching.

  1. Prevent Indiscipline and Monotony: 

  • Use of aids prevents monotony and indiscipline of student because it creates interest in student to know something. Thus it is helpful to make teaching very interesting.

  1. Make Learning Permanent: 

  • In audio visual aids, seeing and hearing go together which play extraordinary roles in learning. The aids apples to those senses that can respond adequately.

  1. Save Time and Energy:

  • When teacher clear his content verbally or without any teaching aids, it takes more time for students to understand that content. But when it is cleared by using audio visual aids, it takes lees time and makes students to understand very easily. It saves more time of and energy of teacher and students.

  1. Provide direct Experience:

    There are aids that provide direct learning experience to students. Under this category education tours, visit to zoo, and museums, taking the students into the community – resources etc. are some of the sources that provides first-hand knowledge and serve as important aids for learning.

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